i did all those

 Everett goes to school Monday to Thursday. I have to say the Utah school system is actually far inferior to Nevada when it comes to kids with some needs. My baby Everett is the most feeling amazing human I have known. Today I had a hard time sending him to school because of a horrible nightmare I had about him last night. I have night terrors that rock my world (so does Charly). So I debated having Ev stay home, but decided not to be crazy mom. So each day I get Ev ready for school Ezra gets frantic to get dressed and ready to go as well. He loves to go. Ev loves to stay. So today we got both boys all dressed and accessorized to fare in the snow. Ezra was so sad he did not get to take Ev to school with me. So. Sad.
 Then a couple hours later Ev is done and takes the bus home. He is so tiny on that big bus.
Then right after I get Ev off the bus I have to go get Deac from school. He runs across this huge field to get to where I park at a park. One day I was a few minutes late to get Deac because I have to wait until Ev is off the bus first...and the field was covered in new fallen snow. However, there were circle tracks all through the field. Deac told me while he was waiting for me he ran all thru the field to make his tracks. "See all those tracks? I did all those."

I did all those. All those 5 kids. All those tracks.


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