Dev is 16

Such a difference between the celebrations between my oldest two. Deven is so low key and gracious. He was happy with the decor, snacks, balloons and new video card. One year a couple years ago he told me how much he liked the tradition of decorating for birthdays. I go to the dollar store and load up on fun and silly toys, candy and decor so the kids can wake up the day of their birthday to a menagerie. That evening Deven wanted Cheesecake Factory for dinner. The Mac and Cheese hamburger.
May 2017
May 2007
Dev has grown so much this past year. He has changed from the boy I have known for so many years. He is aware, kind and so loving. It takes something...maybe faith, maybe trust, maybe not being a let your kids be who they want to be without some heavy handed guidance. Somewhere around the age of 13 you see that they are pretty much who they are. I have learned to love Deven very deeply for exactly who he is. He is a gift.


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