Dream Titles

When you record a dream title it quickly and without too much thought. You want a title that if you go looking for this dream months from now you would immediately recognize it from the title alone. The title holds the energy of the dream. The title and feeling of the dream are big indicators of it's meaning. Do not try to persuade yourself into giving the dream a different title than the one it should have in an attempt to redirect the dreams energy. 

For example, I did not want to deal with most of the dreams dealing with my children getting hurt, but it doesn't work to overthink it. Stick with the first title that pops in your head. Date your dreams as well. Interesting synchronicities are often at play with dates that are best observed months or years after the dream, and you can only figure out later when leafing through your old dream journals. Ideally, we could be so organized as to have the dream titles and dates at the end of each dream journal: an index. Quickly you will realize how precognitive many of your dreams have been. Extra effort in cataloging is quite helpful. I also add subtitles to the title that groups it into a major category: subconscious or conscious. 

Subconscious Dreams

I experience more subconscious dreams than psychic dreams in this period of my life, but last year it was vice versa. A subconscious dream tends to be a little bit more fuzzy and is relating to some sort of aspect within your waking life. Like an unhealed trauma, fear, anxiety, or excitement. These dreams are a bit harder to remember. 

Psychic Dreams

Psychic dreams tend to be more vivid and memorable. They tend to come with something I call "watermarks". Watermarks are significant things that only happen during a psychic dream. Sometimes it is a talisman in the dream, or me waking up in night sweats.

Psychic dreams are broken down into several categories. First, and the ones that got me weirded out when I was little, are precognitive dreams which predict things that happen in the future. 

Empathic dreams are psychic dreams having to deal with someone else's emotions. 

Insightful dreams are insightful into yourself or someone else from an outside perspective. 

Deceased spirit dreams are fun when a person that has transitioned over visits. 

Entity dreams. 

Animal dreams

Worldly psychic dreams tend to be insight into some sort of phenomena that is currently happening in the world; usually it is a negative phenomena the collective is going through at the time. 

Other worldly psychic dreams are where you are literally going to another place or dimension (a.ka. astral projection). I take extra care with the psychic dreams I receive and easily remember them long after I have had them.

Even if you don't write out the whole dream, start by capturing it with a quick title and subtitle. A couple weeks of dream titles can reveal quite a bit. In addition to making your dream a story by titling it, you are putting yourself naturally in the 'witness position' of your dream/life. In many different meditation practices, the goal is to exact ourselves as witness to our life. Witness to our breath. 

We let go of the daily grind of life and let it roll along in front of our attention, while we watch. The name of this blog I picked 17 years ago was Bare Witness and Wait. Witness and wait. Psalm 27:14 states "Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord." As I have stated many times, the Lord is you. The Lord is your higher self trying to get in contact with you. So, witness yourself and wait. 

Witness your life unattached to it and to the outcome.

The fruit of this labor is that while we are in this witness perspective we connect with our Divine nature: The unchanging element of our being.

Looking at our dreams in this way develops the skill to look at our life as a story. 

All the world's a stage/And all the men and women merely players/ They have their exits and entrances.

It is an easy method for accomplishing the witness perspective and flowing seamlessly into this state of grace. It is also a freeing way to look at our life. We are all living a story and acting out a current scene. Do you like the story of your life? If not, what can you change. Your psyche knows. Turn the night settings on your phone at 8 p.m., set your journal and pen next to your bed, set the intention to remember your dreams and fall asleep each night excited for the night's adventure/admonition.

"Ritual" collab at Red Rock National Park


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