Dream Tutoring

We can all learn to understand our dreams. It takes just a bit of time and dedication to reap the rewards. You start by writing your dreams down. If we write down our dreams, then take action in our lives in response to our dreams, the 'powers' that speak to us in our dreams give us better and stronger dreams. 

You will never run out of self exploration material with your dreams. You are infinte, wonderful and powerful and if you listen to your dreams they will teach you in ways that are true.

Have a pen and paper next to your bed. Record it on your phone. Ezra and I like to make AI images of our significant dreams. When you awake, even if it is in the middle of the night, write down what you remember. Do this before your feet hit the floor, because we are grounding ourselves in our waking state when we touch the floor. If you recall even a small fragment, write it down. It still counts and will help you increase your dream recall net time. You are developing a relationship with the mystery within.

It is a new skill set you are learning.

A key to developing this new skill is showing, in a physical way, that you will do something regarding the non-physical. A simple place to start is by writing the dream down. What if you have no dream recall? Write a quick paragraph or two about what you wished you would have dreamed that night. This can lubricate the dreams wheels up enough to enable dream recall.

When I first started doing this, I would dutifully write down every dream. I was writing a lot and dreaming a lot. I spent the first months in my new house alone dedicated to this practice. It became exhausting, so I made a deal with the universe that I would only focus on the most recent dream I had upon waking. Often the most memorable dreams for me are the ones that come after I wake up at 5 a.m. then go back to sleep until 6 a.m. If an earlier dream is important enough would come back to me another night if it was needed.

Lucid Dreaming

There is a recognized technique for improving ones' ability to acquire lucid states of dreaming that involve asking yourself throughout the day at random times, "Am I in a dream now?" Once you are actively working with your dreams this will come naturally, as you will clearly see events in your waking life rhyming with your sleeping life. Consequently while you are dreaming, you can have the experience of knowing you are in a dream, while in the dream: the coveted lucid dream. 

What is so desirable about this experience? When we can do this, we are increasing our level of awareness exponentially and the benefit is the ability to greater direct and create within our lives. Create, not control.

Dream Practice

After writing your dream, later in the day take about 10 minutes to read your dream quietly to yourself. As you do, bring your focus to the images that were in your dream. Close your eyes and slow your mind, so you can drift into a meditative state. Your mind starts to drift down to the territory of the subconscious.

Ask yourself a few question while in your dream reverie state: Does this dream have recognizable elements from your waking life? Could this be a dream of the future? What is the feeling in the dream? It may sound horrible to dream of you falling out of an airplane but if the feeling in the dream is one of happiness as opposed to horror, it directs the dream in a much different direction.

The feelings associated with the dream are the biggest indicators of its meaning.

Now you can piece together the dream. You start to see somewhere deep inside you a connection to a thing or image along your way and your job is to go fishing in the depth of your being to find it.

Our dreams do not want to fool us or take us on a nargol hunt. Nargols are a made up creature my brother told my kids were in the woods. He would take the kids hunting for them. Deacon says he is still traumatized to this day over the made-up nargols. Rather, our dreams want to be understood. The image that is so random or strange in your dream is the best way for your Self to present the deepest meaning to you.

Dreams are our deepest level of truth.

This whole process can be done so easily. If it is a Big Dream, the kind that you will remember years later, then a deeper process is needed. That moves into Shamanic Dreaming, but for the other dreams, the 10 minute meditation and association works. 

With your intention you wandered around in your dream, looked around and can now hopefully have some clarity as to what it means. At this point we come to the final step. Dream honoring. I will discuss that next post. 

Ezra made this image after he had a dream of a cannibalistic llama that was chasing him in an outdoor public pool. We made it quickly together in an AI program and saved it in a Pinterest board where we keep our dream images. This is his Big Dream to date. 


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