
We all dream every night whether we remember or not. The flesh and bone is not our home. A curious third of our life is spent in another dimension visiting deceased loved ones, revisiting past lives, or checking on someone you are concerned about in your waking life. It may even lead you to live a life that is closer to your true self than the one you are currently leading in your waking state.

Indigenous people have known that the Dream World is the real world and all that happens is created there first. I have had many dreams that happened first in my sleep then play out in waking life. The term for this is deja reve, or already dreamed in French. I trust my dreams more than my waking judgment. I am often too stubborn or distracted in my waking life to see what needs to be done in my life, but my dreams don't lie or mislead me.

What if we don't really like what the Dream World is saying? More often than not, we can change the course of our lives to either avoid an unpleasant situation or we can direct our lives more to our liking. This is much more effective when we are living our lives in harmony with our greater purpose. If we choose to stay off track of where we should be, then the dreams will continue to point us to a different direction.

For example, I had a reccurring nightmare for many years when I was in my 30's and early 40's. The scene was always me in some type of distressed building running frantically looking to save my children. I would be running in hallways of fire opening doors to find one child, then after getting that kid to safety outside I would rush back in to find another child. In every dream my husband would just be standing there watching me save our children. His arms crossed and a condescending laugh bespoke his amusement of watching me run around in terror. What did the building represent?! Why was my husband being such an antagonist every time? 

Eventually I deciphered the code of my psyche. The devil and angels are in the details. Pay attention and observe. When you observe from a non-emotional place you see and hear all that needs to be seen and heard. What you choose to see will determine your authenticity. 

Upon having a waking meditation vision about the darkness of the religion I was raised in, I realized the burning building in my dreams was the confines of the fundamental dogma I was raised in and that still had it's tendrils around my marriage. I woke my husband up one night and asked him "Do you think we were part of a cult? I decided so, and I discovered the burning building in my dreams represents the cages this religion has put on my life." A couple weeks later I heard a clear voice in my head while I was driving say "Take your name off the church records."  It was that simple. I have not had that nightmare since. What was my husband telling me in the dream? At that time I had to look at the character that he was to me in my life. What he represented was an infantile wounded masculine. So, my psyche used his image to portray that part of myself to me. I was in my wounded masculine for a long time. Hyper independency and disregard was my response to the abuse and trauma of my life. My wounded masculine was watching my family burn in flames over and over.

My dreams guided me to save myself and hence save my family. If we are stubborn and refuse to act on our dreams (or not even remember them) then we might end up with nightmares. Nightmares are a louder version of a previous message we did not acknowledge and honor.

If we have made a promise to ourselves at any point in our lives as we go along, and then choose to live in complete denial of this promise we open ourselves to problems. Some promises we make to ourselves are whispered in the depth of our soul and can remain unheard unless we really listen. Self created problems that come when we lose our way. If the promises we made when we signed our soul contract are important enough, we can bet that our lives will steer us back to our original blueprint.

Even if it takes chaos and destruction to get us there. 

Your moccasins that walk the plains have literally shown you the details. What you choose to see will determine your authenticity. Don't settle for anything but pure honesty with self, authenticity and the rawness of truth. You have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Teach yourself how to not play into the illusions of this realm. The flesh and bone was never your home.


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