Dreaming With Children

I have not had alien dreams. Yet. However, I have had many children dreams. 

I have watched my children die in a variety of ways. I have seen them be hurt in horrific circumstances. The children reverberate in my dreams like nothing else. 

I am a Catcher in the Rye. I have been shown this on many occasions. I have stood in front of audiences of young people in my dreams teaching and preaching to their wide eyes and skin of the new.

The Powers that Be will use children to hit a message home to the dreamer. Children are massive portals in the dreamworld.

Do you know a child that dreams?

Listen to their dreams. Resist telling them what the dream means. Let them develop a grasp on their dreams. Provide an attentive ear. You will teach them the value of listening to ones inner knowing via dreams. You will be gifting them with a new ability to navigate their own inner life. Is there a more vital skill?

My children have always known that I am deeply interested in hearing their dreams. I take their nightmares seriously. I respect the fact my older kids want to use Ganja to quiet their dreams. Ganja is a miraculous plant that helps us get through hard times. Misused and misunderstood, but still a loving teacher and friend. It does suppress dreams. So does alcohol. Many psychics turn to both to quiet the truths the psyche is yelling. 

My oldest daughter and son could write their own books on their wild dream life.

I met a younger woman recently who expressed the same apprehension to diving into her psyche via her dreamworld because "it is terrifying." 

It can be terrifying. Ask my 9 year old super spirit sensitive child. The child is not spared from psyche. Him and I have had similar dreams at similar times that were relaying similar messages. He is not programmed by the matrix programming and his messages are pure.

The children are here to show us the way. 

A fantastic set to journey on.


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