The Ministry of Menacing

Being certified in ministry, the ministry of menacing, has been delightful. After playing by the book I know what it's like to say all the things that people want to hear and do all the things a girl is supposed to do, but when I went off script the shifts in discomfort from others became powerful. "Did you know Vanessa was badmouthing the Mormon religion? She is just jealous." Or Vana, who began to be uncomfortable around 2008 with me, avoids having a conversation with me that is not surface level. So many people, because, I was surrounded by a cadre of terrestrial energy types. I have been able to show how much I cared and what it now feels like when I take that care away. My skin is clearer and I sleep better at night knowing that I have people to wake up to and roll my eyes at in the morning. 

Ha ha... I am kidding with this tone of voice, but sometimes I have to hype myself up to write this stuff, or even keep on with doing what I feel the universe has asked me to do in my life...I really am unbothered and just grateful and happy. But back to the tone of voice: This calling of digital royalty in creating a 5d earth is one miracle after another. Shifting the codes of the matrix! One of those code shifts being this magnificent trip to Greece.

After my training (that began 24/7, in 2020, as it did for many) I was called to step up and rise to the occasion of assisting a powerful woman along this awakening process. Little did Aliki know that by me being there with her for 3 weeks her life was going to change dramatically (as well as her hair cut). As we are both in the crone phase of our lives and deconstructing religion and patriarchy, there was a lot to dive into. She gathered her soul tribe, validated her intuition and learned detachment. All in 3 weeks! This sounds like a letter from my beautiful niece who is on a mission in Brazil. Similar message different Savior.

In patriarchies like Mormonism there is a huge pressure to look 25 because your value is the children you bring up in the patriarchy, and value is tied to how you look, so when you begin to look older you don't have much to offer the patriarchy anymore. The more experience you get as a woman the less you are listened to or heard. As a crone (yet still a mother as well) I do not give an eff about what people think about me. Crones are healers and comfortable in their own skin and incredibly wise. We are not here to talk about our sexual activity in the bishop's office. Like Moana's single grandmother who gives Moana advice in her darkest hour, "I am the village crazy lady. That's my job." Aliki and I did the work this trip to be the crazy hora crone ladies. (hora means village) To love our bodies, our grey hair and adventure in nature everyday with self care and wellness knowing we have so much more to offer in our older age than in our younger age when we were controlled. We are taking our power back, and we still have beauty with even more joy than we anticipated.

Aliki is 20 years older than me, so I often got mistaken as her daughter. I could be her daughter if she had kids at the dutiful breeding age of 20, but she was at Berkley with the top poets and writers. She was galavanting New York not knowing if it was day or night. She has lived an extraordinary life, but that did not prevent her from being ravaged by the patriarchy of her artistic family, academia and husband (who is in federal prison for child's a slippery slope between 19 and 14, right Joe Smith?) Often intelligent young women fall prey to the advances of narcissists. We both did and our stories regarding such are remarkably similar. She commented "you are just 20 years earlier in realizing it." Yes, because I had no childhood or youth, so I get 20 years now to live in utter freedom and love. The timelines collapse when you realize the cinder block illusions that have squashed your peach like flesh and you are born anew. 

So, she processed her life, her mistakes, her narcissistic family dynamics, her strengths, her power, her vitality and her future in those three weeks. I listened. A lot. I talked very little, but what I said she felt. "Vanessa is magical" she would tell the women poets. "Vanessa makes things just work" she would tell the shop owners in Serifos. It was this trip that I fully realized my role as a frontrunner for women who are pushing the cinder blocks off of their battered bodies and souls. She is not the first that has experienced this through me, but she is the first that commands an audience of young Gen Z writers, thus the ripple effect feels larger to my soul. Aliki is magical and her resilience and vitality is astounding. I am moved by the divinely orchestrated symphony the universe is creating to effect positive change in humanity. Woman by woman we are becoming the menace to the patriarchy...and it is intoxicating.

The boys start their hemi-sync training today. Basically the Gateway project for kids. Andrew and I really hope it helps Everett in his cognitive abilities and Ezra just needs a little focus. Cheerio!


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