Family Business of the Hour


A lot of "lightworkers" have been heavily tested over the last few weeks, myself included, in regards to certain skills that we have been mastering for a long time. Source is sending tests one after another to see what we are going to do. Each exam you realize that you are feeling new things, have new ways of thinking, and greater depths of understanding. We have passed an important energetic threshold in this Ascension. We have entered a new density where the things that you are thinking and speaking are showing up. Almost immediately. I say one thing I would like, for example, "I would like some women in my life that are like my Mary and Melinda...but awake." 

Mary and I in Idaho after Lon's cancer, 2016

Mary and Melinda were my people when I was single, in law school, with two kids. Those women were doing preschool, joy school, crafting the hell out of every holiday, and we were running every morning with all 9 of our kids to school.  I have said that those times are what I hold as the happiest times of my life. Until now.

Within the week I have that, but on that awake level I placed as a caveat. Those who speak the same language I do. The way it came in was me looking to sign up for a facilitator program in Oregon. The link didn't accept my application fee, so in my new normal way I say "that must be a sign." It was. The NEXT DAY a collective contacted me that was to begin training a few days later. How ya like them apples, V? 

We have become magnets for the things pertaining to our heart's desires and our missions here. The pieces are coming in piece by piece. The things from the past that we kept around in terms of resources, or creations, are lining up perfectly!

I can go feral right now on whatever I want. I have walked into the future version of myself. I am aware of the fact that when you walk away from lack mindset and step into your power that things get good, really good. You become detached, without any need for validation, so you can move into what your higher self has been guiding you to. 


The concept of the higher self (HS) to me is that of a living and intelligent force that guides us, nurtures us and helps us become the best version of ourselves. In the simplest terms, the HS is our spiritually advanced multi-dimensional self that exists beyond the limitations of time and space. It is a part of us that is connected to the divine energy of the universe, so it has access to infinite wisdom, love and power. The HS is not detached from our present reality, rather it is intimately connected to our past, present and future selves. It is communicating with us through our intuition, inner guidance and higher power. 

It seems as if our HS is our future self doing inner child work from the perspective of our spiritually advanced multi dimensional self. It is helping us heal our past traumas, release our limiting beliefs and align with our highest purpose and potential. When you hear that "still small voice" in your head it is actually you communicating with yourself from the higher dimension. The more you listen and follow its guidance...the more you align with your divine purpose. You can cultivate a deep connection with your higher self through meditation, self-reflection, and plant medicine: all healers you go to when you want to destroy your illusions and see clearly. Don't go to a healer unless you are ready to be destroyed. Unless you are willing to put a lot of yourself and your surroundings to rest. 


I don't feel bad for the chaos I created. You are allowed to be the chaos when you are stepping into your true divine power. You need that chaos to get to where you are going. You have to put yourself on a pedestal of being worthy to have a voice. This is not the pedestal you create from your ego, this is the pedestal from an Empress standpoint. What I want from my current pedestal is not based on a past version of myself that wasn't even happy. What I want now is to be present to marinate in the messages being sent to me so I can receive divine guidance.

Many of us knew in 2016 there were canaries in the coal mine, and by 2019 things were getting really strange. Many of us with abilities did not know exactly what was coming we just knew it was going to be the biggest thing that ever happened to any of our lives. As 2020 rolled around we did not have hindsight, we had foresight, and we realized a great darkness was trying to descend upon the world. I had a difficult time navigating my dreams and dis-ease at that time. The darkness was engulfing me and I was ready to throw in the towel. I could not see that my pain was so deep, my nightmares so persistent and my path of self destruction was so inevitable because I refused to pay attention to my HS. So, she forced a wake up. 

In 2021 I got very close to source and made a deep pact to follow the light that was being given me in my meditations. I promised I would bear any weight that I had to in order to save myself, my family, and others by bringing us to an enlightened state. Those of us who fell to our knees in surrender, dropped the illusions and survived the walk of shame out of the blood bath of our pasts have collectively effected change in the direction towards enlightenment. 


No longer do we have to rely on governments, ancient mythology of scripture, new tall tales of cults...we now build our own destiny. The destructive world we have left behind withers day by day with our non-participation and lack of attention. We are looking forward a world where all things are possible. This new collective consciousness serves a purpose. We will contribute to the people and world around us by energetically enlightening them. A lot of us are healers. A lot of us are women. Are the divine fems stepping back into medicine woman energy? Seems like it. 

Everyone who wants to stay at the small dick convention of the patriarchy can do so. I have taken my family's business elsewhere. With that, I would like to thank Andrew for allowing my intuition to dictate our lives, for destruction and growth. I perpetually go into the unknown because I am pulled there by a force the cells in my body can't resist. That force I call my HS now. She is an aggressive and loyal intelligence laughing her ass off at me, healing her inner child as played out by my life in this dimension. That is hilarious. 

I have been the lone wolf character in my life. I have not backed down from the circus ring masters, which is why they don't want a wolf in their circus show. The circus tents are folding. The fires have been set and the atrocities of the world will escalate as the tents continue to fold. (I am particularly interested in the ICWA ruling that is about to happen.) I have been called from the back of the pack to the front. I have special abilities that many of my enemies cannot comprehend. The lone wolf character, the chosen ones, are drawing attention from every dark force at the moment as each of us is holding a special key. There is a powerful memory that we have these gifts. After surviving the battles of war and putting all our remembering together in the 11th hour to know our is now the hour and we call check mate. 

The 11th Hour: Prophecy of a Hopi Elder

You have been telling the people that this is the

Eleventh Hour, now you must go back

and tell the people that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

Then he clasped his hands together,

smiled, and said, “This could be a good time.

There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly

Know the river has its destination.

The elders say, we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,

keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.

Least of all, ourselves.

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the people we are waiting for!”

Yesterday there was a red faced bird singing insanely loud in my court yard. She was telling me it was time to pick the peaches, so Everett and I picked 101 peaches because he did not want to go to kids camp with Ezra. Ezra decided to go to kids camp yesterday for the first time, I feel in part, because they watch movies. Both boys are on a no technology diet when I am with them all day, so Ezra found his loophole. Then Deacon's soccer friends from when he was little (Dexter, Dane and Cameron) came over to play volleyball, swim and hang out. Miss Amy came for a couple hours to tutor the boys. I took them to Brain Balance and then to get a smaller bike at Goodwill for Everett. Andrew is off for a 4 day fly fishing trip and Charly has a show in Vegas this weekend. Our garden is abundant. 


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