Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor

Moving on from the abusive power systems of religion...

Fantastic news came down from Arizona yesterday about Ayahuasca. For the first time in this country the DEA has allowed an indigenous church to import and use Ayahuasca without going to trial.

Here is the Church of the Eagle and Condor's settlement agreement. 

“This settlement reaffirms our right to practice our spirituality as we have always known. It is a recognition by the U.S. government and an important milestone in honoring and validating Indigenous belief systems. Prior to contact, Indigenous peoples have used sacred plant medicines for healing and ceremony since time immemorial. Our relationship with our plant relatives has always been an extension of our worldview. This has been interrupted by the imposition of governmental policies that have suppressed our way of life and demonstrated religious intolerance. This settlement is a significant step and acknowledgement of our spiritual beliefs as original peoples of the Americas. We are grateful for the support of our donors, legal team, community, and Grandmother Ayahuasca.  The Church is committed to our mission of spiritual unity of all people with the Creator.” 

Belinda P. Eriacho, Board Member (Diné/A:shwii lineages)

The CEC was founded on the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor as we saw the prophecy manifesting in our own lives. The legal decision is another page in the telling of this story.”
- Rodney Garcia MD, Board Member (Pachakuti Mesa Medicine Carrier)

Here is the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. Or this as explained by a white guy. 

In March Gov. Cox of Utah allowed the use of mushrooms and MDMA for use in some hospitals as treatment for mental health issues. 

My dear coworker and friend as started this "church" in St. George. She is exmormon.

Amy Rossi is deep into facilitating, teaching and organizing the plant medicines and it's carriers. She is exmormon.

There are many more beautiful people I have the gift of knowing who are doing this work of love and unity. 

Amidst the many stories of our country becoming a fascist state ruled by religious fundamentalists, these small moves towards restoration of this lands people and spirit is heartening. 

The Earth needs us if she is to survive. Maybe it is her time to step into her denouement under the current draconian regimes, as all things must pass. I do not know. However, the legacy I want to leave is that me and mine loved the Earth and all its inhabitants. 

We did not need a Savior for we are the Saviors. 


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