The activation of your light happens after traveling through dark space. The conflicting forces of this planet to be transmuted. Sit in silence and feel where in the body feels blocks. If you clear them the universe will flood in. This receiving mode provides stepping stones. 

This is loosely based on truth. I gave up my power when I was 15, to a "Heavenly Father" that was an illusion. Why did I give up my power? I was a child that did not fit in. The things of this earth did not make sense or feel comfortable. A lot of it felt so pointless. Ennui. So, I latched onto religion to give life a point. Meaning that was not found in this existence. I jumped to where my soul was more at peace: the ethereal realm. Once I did that the influence of the men (some women) but mainly men of the Mormon church dictated the how's and should's and should not's and thus the guilt and shame of my turn on earth (mind you I signed up for this for all is well.) I had very little exposure outside of my Mormon mom. No internet. No outside family besides my dad's side who was a suffering family. I gave up looking quite young and stayed the course despite a deep knowing there was truth beyond what I was fed. The poetry, the Gnostics, the troubadours. Walt Whitman, Adrienne Rich, Anne Lauterbach, even Sylvia Plath who forewarned me years before of the impulse. 

After Sylvia and her solipsistic "I" there is no I. You kept giving your power away and making what was for the best of. That was your higher calling. Andrew Taite (isn't that so Andrew Taint. Don't.)  describes his grandmother with 70 + people in her old age that she was the the matriarch for  surrounding her as the ultimate meaning to her life? As he demeans women at the round table for their careers? Andrew swapped for Andrew. My mother in law in her *0 year old marriage may politely disagree. Where is the self worth of loving your unreal sky walker self? That woman is cold stone unhuman in her mission.  

This woman isn't as stone. I was in Costa Rica with my three. It set in hard and fast. Don't most expats go to that in Costa? That is the land of healing and I was called there when my third child was a rice grain. Now he is a Thor leader. I went there alone after leaving a federal clerkship to take my three kids to live there. Oh my septic system, wave drowning, langosta flying, crab crunching, hippie sea loving self was met with with a self proclaimed "assassin from Nosara", like that was his job. Is the rest of the story necessary? 


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