Momma said knock you out...

Just because I have had an experience does not make it teachable to anyone else. My experience with ancient text, Goddesses, religion, meditation, nutrition, vaccines, government, law, higher education, gender, healing, trauma, soul contracts, soul family, psychic abilities, dream meanings, aliens, interplanetary play may be only good for me. I practice what I practice at the level I am at for now. FOR NOW is a foundation for being alive. The only constant is change. We evolve perpetually as life gives us smacks in the face. Those smacks are nothing but a call to do a little (or a lot) of shadow work. Life is a continual pursuit of awareness. Whatever I am not aware of the Universe sees it as fair game to use it against me to wake my ass up and move me on down the road of enlightenment. Awareness may have to do with a body slam moment from time to time given with so much love, but flowing with that process is massive empowerment. Once I become aware of something and integrate it the Universe can no longer use it against me. Then the cycle continues. Smack (or body slam), awareness, integration, ascension.

There is no "if only I knew this when I was 15." "If only I was awake before I started having children." I was 21 when I had Charly. Nary a 21 year old is at the pinnacle of their awakening. The deeper I have gotten into the worlds beyond this 3D realm the more I see nothing is coincidental. Ram Das said "you have to become somebody before you can become nobody." In other words, the stage needed to be set. My curriculum in this life needed to be established so I could work through certain blockages and identify the parts in my psyche where I believed or relied on anything that did not reside in freedom, light and love. To look for source in everything Pocahontas style dancing to the colors of the wind. The Native Americans taught this beautiful way of thinking. Animism wants love and peace that dares the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. Every natural thing in the universe has a soul. This also extends to the belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Therefore, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork and words are alive with frequencies and level of energy. Ancestors speak and go back thousands of years. I hear my recent ancestors who I knew in this life as well as back to lifetimes way way past to Egypt and into the future from where "home" really is. I do this through clairaudience, clairsentience, synesthesia, visions, and dreams. This has been a powerful and painful transformation for me, as it has for the other people I know going through their own transformations. I see it as the image of being this solid ice cube and knowing how to be an ice cube. Now I am a puddle of dreamy intuitive water since the ice cube as been melted by dissolution of illusions. Now I will learn how to be comfortable and thrive as this puddle. All of the walls I built to protect myself throughout life are falling away because they simply are not necessary. I feel safe and secure in trusting myself to build a new foundation based upon this me who has dreams come true frequently, gets visions and Sixth Sense style sees dead people. I worked on these skills in past lives and am remembering them deeply now. That is a kick! I try wear this halo of intuition and love as much as I can, even during the body slams. This last body slam was separating from my partner of 20 years. A clusterfuck of a marriage, to quote Andrew, has grown into a divine counterpart that is not part of the dross that drips off in dissolution. He is part of the gold for me, and I am for him. 

We are blessed heavily in this life and laugh that we choose this part of the play. Andrew laughed upon realizing that Joseph Smith choose the part of gold digging "witch" to start a religion based on money and power. It is funny! The Judas in our camp is out and how amazing it is to be free and to love with a pure heart. Mary Magdalene, thank you bestie for back talk big T-shirt pulling up to my psyche in an undeniable way. 

This picture in February of 2021 was a rough and foggy time. I am a different person in so many ways. Don't call it a comeback, I have been here for years. 


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