Make it New: The New is Ancient

The new moon in Cancer is opening on July 17-18 of July 2023. The nodes are switching to usher in a new cycle. The last time this happened was in 2005. 18 years ago. So this is a new 18 year cycle for 2023-2041. Previous to that it was in 1987. It is the time to obsess about what it is you want to create for the next 18 years as a conscious co-creator with source on this earth planet where we get the opportunity to make the unconscious conscious! My Ayahuasca experience was a fantastic way to let go of the past 18 year karmic cycle and really plant the seeds of intention for the next 18 years.

The past two weeks has really separated the energies in my life of what is mine and what is old programming. I honor and give thanks for the past 18 years of my life. It was on the heels of and in reaction to the '87-05 cycle of being raised in and suppressed by cult religious dogma. In 2005 I decided to give that karmic dogma another cycle by marrying into a family with deep ties to the founding fathers of the Mormon church, but I lived this whole cycle as an objector and in revolution against such dogmas. It took me dark places. It was my Persephone journey to the underworld. The next 18 years will be my advent to the upper world where I will live free of limiting programming.

The Chiron wounded healer has licked his wounds to health. Now is about finding the new place of living on the deepest levels. The old is done for many of us ushering in the new earth. What is home for me? My intuition is clearly activated and speaks of where I am being called to exist in flow. Inspired action flows from within and is the only call I can trust. Where will I plant my flag without negotiation?

I had an amazing one woman (me)/one plant board room to game plan in when I was in Santa Elena, Costa Rica. Mama Aya and myself came up with some drafts for my life during this next cycle. We unlocked the doorways of perception, revealing the hidden realms of unconsciousness. I danced with spirits of ancient wisdom and felt the pulse of the universe merging the individual with the cosmic tapestry of existence. Aya sacredly embraced me with pure energy and consciousness to awaken the dormant wisdom within, such that the seeker I was, became the seer. The patient became the healer of self and the collective wounds of humanity.

Pachama, the revered Andean goddess, mother of all, now flows within me. Her mountains echo strength in my bones and rivers in my veins. I am a daughter of her soil. Her breath whispers in the air and her heartbeat pulses in every living thing. In her rhythm is found the melody of existence; a continuous harmonious symphony.

In twilight's embrace, where realms entwine and whispers of spirits in moonlight begin to enter is when the sacred journey unfolded. We began ceremony at 7 p.m. on 7/7/23 in the verdant jungle. The moloka was filled with 20 seekers whose hearts were aflame with intention and desire to dance with the mystic heights of wisdom. Some came for physical healing, while others were there to unbridle their vessels and find their essence. After lives of trauma we were committed to finding our ancient medicine to alchemize the past and unveil the future.

The shaman cleansed me with Mapacho and served the first cup of sacred elixr. Faint voices of ancestors echoed and reverberated. It was very subtle for me in the first 2 ceremonies, but by the end of the 3rd ceremony she allowed me to drop into the medicine deeply. She appeared as a powerful divine sentient being that inspired an overwhelming feeling of reverence and respect. I have never experienced the divine realms quite like this.

The movements, whispers and embrace of Aya continued for hours. I had two young women on either side of me experiencing their own journeys of breaking through the terrors of their past. A dark haired radiant gentle soul who was never given the opportunity to find her voice as she was raised in a high demand religion. She, too, went on to an abusive Jared-type relationship. Much like the one I had. Our stories were very similar and our bond very deep. The 28 year old woman on my right looked, sounded and thought like my friend Hollie. I adore Hollie and really adored this young woman. She was growling at and fighting with generational curses on all fours.

We found our personal medicines with "the kink partner we didn't know we needed." Ayahuasca. On top of that we had a Tezmecal (3 hour sweat lodge), Cacao ceremony, Coco ceremony, Mapacho ceremonies, Bri Bri circle, singing, meditating, eating communally of the fresh food of the land, rivers, waterfalls, animals, rain, fires and many hours talking. All this combined with little sleep, confinement to the resort and restricted diet led to the feeling of this being a Mormon youth conference trek which was to artificially crack a young person open by providing bonding via shared painful experience. The substance use during all night ceremonies caused sleep and emotional hangovers while being confined to a committed process of healing despite the urges to leave the retreat for a pizza and Nyquil made it feel like rehab. It took three of my intense life experiences as part of community of strangers and merged them into one intense week.

Now the moves into the next 18 year cycle starts with integration of these past few years of learning culminating in this retreat. Ayahuasca integration techniques refer to practices and approaches used to integrate and make sense of the experiences and insights gained from an Ayahuasca ceremony or retreat. "After the Ceremony Ends" by Katherine Coder is a manual to maximize the benefits of visionary plant medicine.

Integration is an essential part of the Ayahuasca journey because the experiences and revelations during a ceremony can be profound and transformative. When someone reaches a level of spiritual integrity where they can hold what's being poured into them by Spirit, they operate differently. Integration allows individuals to process and assimilate these experiences and changes of self into their daily lives, enabling long-term benefits and growth. Here are some Ayahuasca integration techniques I am using to support this process:

  1. Journaling: Writing about your Ayahuasca experiences can be a powerful way to integrate them. Reflecting on the insights, emotions, and visions you encountered during the ceremony helps you deepen your understanding and gain clarity. Since I love writing, this is a primary go-to technique I have and will continue to use.

  2. Meditation: Regular meditation practice can help you ground and integrate the lessons learned from Ayahuasca. It allows you to cultivate mindfulness, observe your thoughts and emotions, and develop a deeper connection with yourself. The practice feels deeper and slower post ceremony.

  3. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Being present and mindful in your daily life facilitates the integration process. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and reflect on how they relate to your Ayahuasca experiences. This self-reflection helps you identify patterns, make changes, and align your actions with your newfound insights. Make each day a ceremony.

  4. Body Practices: Engaging in physical activities such as yoga, qigong, or other forms of movement can support the integration process. These practices help you connect with your body, release stored emotions, and maintain overall well-being.

  5. Community and Support: Connecting with others who have also experienced Ayahuasca can provide a sense of community and support. Participating in integration circles, support groups, or finding a therapist experienced in psychedelic integration can offer guidance, understanding, and a safe space for sharing and processing your experiences. My program has follow up zoom calls post retreat.

  6. Creative Expression: Engaging in creative activities like painting, drawing, dancing, or playing music can help express and embody the insights gained during Ayahuasca ceremonies. Creativity allows you to tap into your subconscious and communicate on a deeper level. The day after I got home I cleaned and redecorated Andrew's house. Cleaning can be an intentional form of meditation.

  7. Nature Connection: Spending time in nature, whether it's hiking, gardening, or simply being outdoors, can be grounding and healing. Nature has a way of providing perspective, tranquility, and a sense of interconnectedness, which can support the integration process. It is too hot to be outside in Vegas right now, but I have had the opportunity to connect with family. Charly stayed in town and it has been lovely to catch up with her.

  8. Rituals and Ceremony: Incorporating personal rituals or ceremonies into your daily life can help anchor and honor the transformative experiences of Ayahuasca. This can include lighting candles, setting intentions, creating altars, or any other practices that hold personal significance for you. This is a daily practice I started a couple years ago, but will build further upon.

The night after I returned to Vegas my girl had a show. That is always a form of ceremony for me as I get to witness Charly deliver music medicine to large groups of people. Charly is that March 9, '99 (3, 333, 333, 333) creative divine daughter that no experience could top, not even Mama Aya.

Zouk Nightclub 7/15/23

I found out my dear friend, Susan Morgan, was shot and killed when I was at this retreat. I am grateful for her guidance during these past couple years and will miss her terribly. I will continue what she worked so diligently to do: empower people with knowledge and the wisdom to be their own unique medicine. 

It was a long dream of Conrad. He was violently sick but still pressing forward to go on a mission and get married in the traditions he was raised. I sullenly walked away from him and his love. So, this really happened in life. 1998 in Winnipeg he asked me to marry him, but I was still reeling from the blow of my abusive marriage and in a disassociated state. I told him I did not feel it was a great time to double down on marriage, and Conrad's response was in the vein of it being my duty to give it another go. He was fresh off a mission from France and in that strange transition of being completely oblivious. I cut my Winnipeg trip short and now he is a bishop in Mapleton. Where Sarah lives. Just connecting some subconscious dots over here. Susan (my dead dream shaman) would approve. 


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