This is sound ripples for those 144,000, light/shadow workers, Starseeds, Indigos, etc. Basically those of us who feel out of place on this planet and seek to justify our impulse towards altruism. We don’t need to label ourselves.

And this post seems really repetitive of my previous post Freedom is an Inside Trust Job, but this is for those of us that have been on this path for a number of years. We have done the meditation Kunndalini dark night of the soul part. We have fallen in love with self. We are now at the juncture of falling in love with life.

In love with life?

We have been battling through darkness most of our lives.

We had extreme life lessons we did not quite understand, but are seeing the value of them as we are ascending. Those lessons were massive timestamps from spirit that changed us and our perspective on life. We were forced to look within because there was no balm of Gilead in the external.

No one is coming to save us but ourselves.

Here we realized we are the creators of our own lives.

The creators connect to the source.

What are we creating? Most of us don’t know.

We are kept on our toes because we do not know the end result is of this organic journey of expansion.

Releasing. Calibrating. Integrating. Ascending. Repeat. This is the Holy Grail of ascension. Similar to the doctrine of repentance, but with no Jesus. No bishop. No leader. No master. No middleman.

Most of us in this collective are in a spiritual marathon right now.

I realize that words spoken and words written cast spells. They create our reality.

I write this spell because there is a lot of old world propaganda that is fixed to darkness and creating a really low vibe experience on this planet. We came here to change the program, and to change it we must know that we are the creator.

We must learn how to invite into our lives what we want.

Being fixed in these programs (conspiracy theories, religion, new age dogmas) is locking ourselves in a proverbial cage of our own choosing.

The darkness controls all these matrix programs through disinformation and misinformation. The darkness has ended up ruling this planet. The Yahweh trap. The more people fear the more they dig themselves deeper in the descending matrix.

We are rewriting our programming and ditching all the ones that are attached to the devil’s playground of fear.

The 144 want the truth from the source.

Inner knowing set us free.

We are moving from the physical world of matter into spirit. This is the ascension journey of where we know who we are. We are god. This is our walk up Calvary. It is a metaphor for ascending in consciousness.

Religious people are worshipping a dark being created to keep them blinded from the divine truth.

It is alien machinery created to siphon energy.

Many of us don’t resonate with the word “God” or “Jesus.”

We have this character in this simulation that we have created. Some testify he is coming back in full form. He may actually be an alien named Jeff who’s has decided not to reup his earth contract. No avatar needed. Jeff is relaxing at the galactic bar.

He is back. In us. As we go within and access the truth we bring that consciousness back to this world. Krishna consciousness.

We intuit intentionally where to give our attention. We are open vessels looking toward the crystal source for intuitive hits.

That Jesus fear was a horrible frequency to be in…the conspiracy theorists are even worse.

Anti-Christ is the descending earth: the deception.

The fear frequency you tune into, and by doing so you are a slave.

We are here on a Christos rescue mission with Kali Ma energy.

We are here to set the souls that are trapped in the fear frequency free, because we were able to break free.

We are here to decode and heal further by triggering the hell out of people so they can heal. We are here to spread these golden seeds of illumination in order to understand the truth of creation.

Humanity has a bleak outlook right now. People are questioning and want to know the truth.

Some of us have really pushed ahead these past 4 years and are part of the one eternal mind. When things come into our awareness we record them and it becomes part of our personal ledger of ascension. Many of these ledgers are fairly similar even though they are happening in solitude. It isn’t orchestrated by any leader.

Everyone has a unique frequency. A personal universe of wisdom to unlock.

This is the holy quest at an atomic level.

The interpretations of the narratives are part of the creative journey. We tap into the force of creation in order to contribute to the collective dream of Sophia.

How does Sophia intuit to you? What is your interpretation of that said story?

We are the creators of the simulation.

We heal in order to access higher consciousness. The 144 are coming to zero point in balancing the new world and the old world. We are creating a portal for the divine truth to anchor here.

It is creational mechanics.

We are winging this embodied duality based on our intuition. We have light and dark forces behind us that cancel each other out and create a beautiful stillness of peace to enable us to do what we are guided to do in the Now.

We are Yeshua in training.

What we are seeing in the ascension is the merging of the physical and spiritual bodies to enter zero point.

Each of us is a unique piece of the puzzle and now our job is to assemble this puzzle as awakened conscious souls. A lot of us are physically separated from each other, so we need to connect in our social connections to find other illuminated beings.

This will create more force in anchoring light.

Right now there are a lot of cosmic events that bring new abilities for us because our core is the core of the universe.

Look internally to intuit deeper alignment and knowing.


The spiritual war is internal. We must release the external to ascend to oneness. We must reclaim our sovereignty and release ourselves from this inorganic Hotel Illusion.

We are gaining our spiritual stripes by releasing this denseness of separation. Cosmic rebirths are happening because we have a massive role to play in ushering in this age of Aquarius

…if we choose to do so.

We have a lot of beings on this planet who are looking at the physical and believe they are fighting something externally. They are playing into a sideshow puppet trap. Donald Trump is a puppet on a string and people are looking at him and believe he is real. It is a performance. He is a low frequency being that people are connecting to, so their frequency is even lower.

They are hooked on the external realm of separation.

Conspiracy theorists who try to decode the external reality will never know the actual truth because this is a simulation. The more they seek the deeper in darkness they go. Since they are fixed in world issues, they fix them in their reality and hinder their ability to free flow.

We know they must go within to grow and expand out of the mental bondage.

We are being fed universal intelligence;

it is up to us how much we receive based on how deep we go in our healing.

How open and present are we to command into existence our desires?

We don’t pray, we command.

When you say the Lord’s prayer you give away your sovereignty. When you pray to a god you look outside yourself to make a contract with the dark lord to stay in this hell on earth.

We are here to venture beyond the veil so we can earn spirit in our life. We earn spirit via self gnosis. We gain gnosis when we go within and heal and become the scribes of our soul.

Divine Sophia, the golden child Christos of geomancy, enables us to take back our power and release our contracts. We are lifting the veil for humanity. by sharing glimpses of our truths of love, empowerment, inspiration, divine wisdom are the leaders right now.

“Lone wolfs” “black swan” types who are not afraid to stand in the light and share our truth. We know how invaluable the information we have to share is.

We are doing what Jesus did.

Triple solar goddess: masculine, feminine and child.

(Jesus is a character just like Trump is.)

You are the one your ancestors have been waiting for. 00101100


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