Refined Poetic Teacher

New Moon Wednesday.

When I got to shadow work I was in a place where I just wanted to know. 

I had to speak that over my life until I was not afraid of the "devil." 

Once I opened to letting my higher self teach started making sense. The shadows paint an illusion of fear and confusion. 

I had to drive through all those demons with energetic force. Run them over. 

I knew I was unstoppable and obstacles were in the way. In order to go through the obstacles you have to be in tune with your higher self.

It is my job to protect my energy now. I worked to get it here. Knowing who I am and walking in who I am puts off an energy field.

I let people believe what they want. I have little energy to talk to people. After the days with all my 4 boys home I treasure my nights alone reading and writing. 

I innerstand this existence is an illusion. Everything has a part. Darkness can't touch me because any darkness I encounter is coming from me. When you know who you are you cannot be touched. The only power darkness has is what you give it. 

I am not afraid of any attack against me. 

Christians are taught not to listen to outside teachings. There has to be a divine intervention from within to get us out of it so we can un-infantalize . Religion was a level of consciousness and I am now in spirituality. Spirituality is about what Your definition of "God" is. 

What I believe is for me. This is for me to live and create the experiences I want to experience. 

My beliefs are sacred. 

I am able to live the ceremony of each day tapped into my intuition because I trust myself. That is my sacred belief. My energy speaks for itself. 

I am plugged back into the world for entertainment purposes only. 

When I receive downloads I have to apply them to my life before I speak on it. I take my time to speak it before I live it so my life can speak for itself. 

My life is sacred now. The struggles I went through are sacred. 

I don't override any of my emotions, but rather become curious about why I am feeling what I am feeling. I don't want my spirituality to become a religion because it is simply an inner journey. 

I have been so lost in peace and rest that I am not tapped into a lot of the tools that got me here. 

I am not into astrology because I am living through my heart and soul. I don't know what the planets are and what they are doing, it is outside of me so I don't need it. I have become the stars and planets. Living from within. 

I can live from within because I cleared what was within. 

What I find entertaining in this world is my kids. They are my favorite people. Motherhood is the magnum opus of my life. The children I have are what I find to be the mix of people I want to experience. 

I am a fool for life. I believe in the impossible. There are ways the divine works that my mind cannot comprehend. There are limitless ways for things to be done. I had to let go of the how. I am going to experience everything that I am supposed to experience because it is already written in the stars. 

I have everything. I don't need to see it in the physical to know that I have it and will show up when I need it. 

I am at the tail end of shedding the old skin to transform into something that can exist in my power heaven. Ready to guide aligned havoc. 

I choose to inspire love, truth, poetry, kindness, justice, art, freedom, patience. Inspiration emerges from a layer of understanding. A right way to live life, not The right way. What you know in this life you can inspire. 

I inspire those who are at earlier stages of awakening. It is more graceful for humanity to wake up in stages. Hold the field and guide the way for those terrified and teeming with cognitive dissonance. They will wake up.

The darkness that we see unraveling on the world stage is an old wound festering. It has been infecting and enslaving humanity. It is purging. The light is bringing forth darkness so human consciousness can say No. 

I stand on this higher knowing and say No. I am god sovereign.

Correct me if I am wrong and protect me if I am not.

Over the next couple years people will wake up and not let fear control their actions anymore. The entities/corporations, that rely on us being scared so they can control us, are losing power. This is going to happen gradually through AI, free energies, Web 3. It is going to be good for the people. In the short term there will be some chaos as the entities/corporations grasp for their money, but ultimately it won't work. We are realizing that we have control of our lives and what we put our attention to grows. We are choosing not to be scared, but to love. 

This is the new earth. As people wake up they start aligning with their purpose, therefore the make the world a better place. Slowly new systems, governments and technologies come into play that make the world better. As a species we are meant to grow into our purpose in the goal of creating a world where we value people. I would suggest a move back toward tribalism. Native American inspired tribalism. “I have amazing news for you. Man is not alone on this planet. He is part of a community, upon which he depends absolutely.” Daniel Quinn, "Ishmael"

Ezra brought this to me right after I wrote this post. 

August 2014
9 years ago and 2 more babies
First baby 2014



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