The Everett Effect

The alternative modality of transcendental meditation (TM), as opposed to pharmaceuticals, can be a game changer for opening blocked energy channels in the energy body that is littered with carcasses. Plant medicine is an accelerant that can be added to the practice of TM to shift away from the things that are not of service to our well being. People should have access to this medicine, in order to reach the level of deep knowing, freedom and peace that comes by the use of plant medicine in conjunction with integration. It will happen in my lifetime. The fears of the 70's are being shown to be offensive attempts by the government to keep its constituents enslaved to a system of fear and addiction to the provided medicines: opiates and alcohol. Big commerce winning. As I write on this apple computer there no need to revere Steve Jobs, but he used plant medicine in the creation of Apple. The whole Silicon Valley was fueled by the ideas that came forth via minds on psychedelics. These openings of the universe don't have to have plant medicine assistance. If TM is used effectively the same results come in a more subtle manner, but they come to the trained practitioner. Oft times there is not the option for such because of deep trauma (think war veterans)  or physical disabilities. 

Physical disabilities can be vast. From an addict, to an octogenarian to an autistic child there are limitations to the non-accelerated modalities of healing like TM, somatic healing, yoga, tantra, accupuncture, reiki, and so on. Autism Spectrum Disorder is near and dear to many hearts. With its rise this past decade there has been much attention as to the why.  Years of rumination on the matter does not change the "what" of the situation: I have a son with Autism. My son with ASD is a bridge between this world and somewhere else, unique and tenderly loving he spreads a cocoon of safety from this other dimension, which at times allows him to appear as a genius angel who does not connect in a manner which we are accustomed to. The way he connects with others is surprising for the receiver. Many an adult who is transitioning out of his life, mainly teachers and professionals, have shed tears at the moment they parted from him with the thought that their days ahead would not have him in it. He is that Etta James feeling of "at last" as can be the surfeiting on TM or plant medicine. I call this the "Everett Effect." He teaches compassion, love, and healing from the suffering we experience in this life or before by connecting naturally with his "higher self". A collective of autistics around the planet who are helping shift the frequency of the Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension is not the answer to the how of the rise in autism, but it is the answer to the "what".

"In order to survive as a human, moving, moral weight in the world, America and all the Western nations will be forced to reexamine themselves and release themselves from many things that are now taken to be sacred, and to discard nearly all the assumptions that have been used to justify their lives and their anguish and their crimes so long." -James Baldwin


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