Esoteric Homeschool

Right now feels like restoration of multiple lifetimes of purpose and knowledge. The amount of information I have received so quickly is a remembering of truth. Having this guidance close to me in the day to day allows the magnificence that is moving into my life right now. We fight seen and unseen battles for so long, it is amazingly light without the battle gear. Our hearts begin to feel light as an ostrich feather on the scales of justice. 

The Ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the center of the soul’s memory, emotion and thoughts. They knew it grew heavy with negative thoughts. As immortal beings, they knew they would need a light heart to move on to the next level of spiritual awareness. According to The Book of the Dead, upon death, the heart was weighed on the scales of justice against the feather of Ma’at. They believed that if the heart was heavier than the feather, it would be eaten immediately by Ammut the Devourer, a crocodile-lion monster. Once the heart was eaten, the soul would cease to exist. Thus, heaviness of the heart was greatly feared. Good deeds and positive thoughts kept the heart light and the soul . This is a really beautiful time right now for all of us in our family. 

After climbing the steps of awakening to my Kundalini rising, I have entered the same room as my higher self. Yesterday she told me something via a nightmare of Ezra and I running over dead bloody bodies on the road and I was saying to him "close your eyes Ezra. Close your eyes baby." 

"Close Your Eyes Ezra!" -2023

I knew what the signs had been for weeks and it culminated in a nightmare again. The day laid out the plan clearly for me. I was to start my boys in a House of Life type education. A House of life was an Egyptian institution of learning attached to a temple where priests were taught to read, copy and compose sacred texts, as well as being instructed in astronomy, astrology, geography, medicine, mathematics, law, theology and the interpretation of dreams. Almost all the details fell into place in one day. 

Let kids be themselves. This feels like the Family First video.
Align and heal.
These boys are so much fun. It is a privilege have them.
2.22.22. A number of patience and pacing while working toward a big goal. The devil is in the dreams and the details. Paying attention to both takes me to the next scene of the play: raising young gods at home. Homeschooling Charly for her 1st grade year was so fun. I found Vegas fantastic for homeschooling and I am all in for doing it again. Grazie spirit for moving me once again to go back to my own learning as well. I pick Harvard this time instead of UNLV.


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