
Leading Edge of Consciousness

Expression is the 

impression you make 

on the universe.

I step into reframing

my entire existence. Each day

take ownership of what it means

often based on dreams.

Fire in cages forced the

hot-stepping into my power.

Wire who I actually am

into my neural pathways.

Massive and perpetual action

got my life to this

leading edge of consciousness.

I can no longer hoard my gifts.

Fear transforms

as you expand.

Letting go is easy

when you believe it is easy.

What are you the vibration of?

The pressure of cult, abuse, sickness:

born into dispossession 

answers were demanded 

from the underworld, and it laughed

"We are all mad here."

All or nothing has me only

sleeping with the enemy.

Deacon is almost 17. His higher self speaks to me only "best friend" vibes. Back to the very first dream I had of him running in wildflowers, to the dream of him when I was dating Andrew, to the current day dreams. Also in waking life... that kids is nothing but dreamy. He is self actualized. As much as a 17 year old can be self actualized. Deacon adores his dad. He says he wants to be just like him because "he can do whatever he wants." friend vibes all the way.


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