The Powers That Be

Who are the Powers that be? Who are the powers that speak to us in our dreams? It is subjective.

To some Native Americans it is the grandmothers and grandfathers that extend their hand through time to assist us. The spirit of Mother Earth and Father Sun are powerful.

Archetypes are the choice of Jungian analysts

There are many roles and personality traits that exist in the ethers of the dreamworld that are waiting to live out their energetic lives through a person that is vibing at a frequency close to theirs. Personally, the archetypes of Lilith and Hermes became prominent in my dreams. Both are very powerful beings to play along with in life, and they became quite beneficial in my ability to step into who I really was. We all have archetypes. Usually more than one at a time depending on where we are on the wheel of fortune.

Another power that is source for our dreams is our departed

They come through dreams for guidance, help and reassurance of their continued support. I have seen my dad, my father-in-law, my cousin and others who I was not close to in their living life. They come through with profound messages delivered in masterful symbolism.

Another power is our spirit Animals. 

The presence of animals in dreams are like archetypes, but of the animal kingdom. If Jungian archetypes seem highfalutin and erudite, the simplicity of our animal friends are straight forward and comfortably pedestrian. Take for example my one dog, Roxy. I saw her in a dream, found her, and now she shows up perpetually in my dreams as a symbol of my own psyche. I am fairly certain she is dreaming of me as well at times. Eagles, cats, snakes, horses and birds also show up in my dreams.

Roxy's irreverence for any rules and fierce loyalty vibe matched with my soul, so she found me.
In my dreams. A couple days before she was to be put to sleep. 

We have diverged so far from accessing these powers that be. I don't know when we got so lost, but our ancestors knew what to do with dreams. We all have working lungs. We all need sustenance. We all dream.

From the moment we are in form we dream. It seems that when we are dreaming we are awake and vice versa. Some ancient cultures give more credence to the dreamworld than the waking life. I have had to give more weight to my dreamworld than my waking life, for I have found it to be a magical simmer pot of creation and truth.

Paying attention to our dreams brings us more of the quality dreams. The dreams we can use to navigate and shift our waking reality, so that more synchronicities and miracles unfold. It is then our waking lives are actually merged with our dream lives so that reality takes on not only a more magical quality, but a more accurate quality. We wake up existentially and leave the old life of the walking dead. Or as my husband says: the comatose. We begin walking with faith that the Powers that Be are coming to help via our dreams. 

Our ability to receive such help is in direct proportion to how well we listen.


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