
It does not really matter if we are winning or losing. It is all relevant to where we are in any particular story. The wheel of fortune is perpetually turning. Sometimes we are at the top and other times we are at the bottom. Our lives are layered with story and to jump into one point and declare a winning or losing situation is futile. Hold onto the knowledge that the only guarantee is change. 

I got this perspective by looking at life from a birds eye view. A flying bird perspective. I was a caged bird for far too long this lifetime, a songless bird. I rose up from the sadness and gloom and began to sing my heart song, no matter where I was on the story line. I stayed fast and welcomed the freshness of change that wanted to blow in my life. 

Life wants to live. 

Life has an energy that is not static and any time we want to hold any part of it still, we cause a type of death. Do not surround yourself with death as you will when you cling onto anything near and dear to you. You bring into your life the sick smell of the dying. Dying wishes and dying dreams. It is better to let the winds of change continually renew the vibrancy that wants to be in and around you. When you feel the clinging of comfort calling your bones, run the other way.

Holding steadfast is trickery. Your true comfort comes only from the courage and trust you will need to be the adventurer that all Life wants from us. Humans love to hold onto their boxes of definition. It is the absence of this holding onto that creates the inherent happiness that animals feel, and trees, and plants and the stars. They flow with life.

Beautifully, when we live as the rocks and plants and stars, we resonate with them, and connect closer to them. We recognize them as brethren and sisters and they recognize us too. This can only be understood through experience. The experience is open to us all and is seeking us all the time.

Our primary business of being human is that we learn to remember. Remember all that we are. I am here to remember. I remember, then slide to darkness like the moon does as she cycles. I come back into remembering slowly as the moon does as she grows brighter, and I slide back into abysmal forgetfulness. Someday I may be like the Sun, ever shining, not forgetting.

Our lives and stories are multi-layered, like our dreams. Approaching this in a non linear fashion helps in understanding our dreams. We are not stepping one step in front of the other but dancing in a whirling motion towards creation and the flow of dreams. We dream forward and backward. We dream the immediate and we dream the potential and we dream the past. We dream all relevant possibilities.


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