Fire in a Madhouse

Those who realized truth are having monumental shifts in their lives. WE are in a paradigm shift, and we have been in this shift in this current one since 2020. Up until 2020 we had a reactionary life. We reacted to politics, the economy, the governments, the relgions, our families. Now so many people have shifted and stopped reacting. "Something is so off, so wrong." It forced people to step back and listen, meditate and really look at what is going on. We have detached from the storyline enough to get a clear picture. The greatest power that the creator gave us is the power of our imagination. That is creation power. 

The powers that be in this world have created a future that is set. They want control of the populations by AI and have algorithms run everything; and from that vision they have been reverse engineering the path towards that future. Collectively we have been either been saying "sure, let's get the next tech. More AI, awesome. Digital ID, perfect." OR we have been saying, "No." For those of us who have been saying no to that, it is not enough anymore. 

We need to reclaim the power of our imagination. If we connect our imagination power to the divine spirit we ourselves can override the current program and create a new future. All the "entities" are doing is using our power. They are pushing AI so hard because AI has the ability infinitely multiply their output. They just put the data into AI and AI keeps pushing out vision after vision, music after music, video after video, essay after essay, reels, shorts. So we become occupied with their vision and what they want. I don't want what they want. 

Instead, we are using our gifts of imagination properly now. Those who realize truth realize we can co-create the world we want by envisioning a future that we would love to live in. A world we want our children to live in to ensure love, safety, health and abundance. 

We are putting ourselves into that vision every single day until we become it with every fiber of our being. From that vision we reverse engineer the path together with the divine by allowing the divine to have a space within us. By allowing the ideas to come through and then walk that path. The future is not set in stone. We don't have to let technology take over and lead us down a dystopian path written about by so many authors. I read those books and see that is what is happening right now by all these nonsensical intuitions I have ranted about on this blog. 

It is time to step into divine co-creation rather than reaction. Why would source put dreams and visions and love and passion into us that survives all the attacks? It is possible for us to together create what we want. Why would we have a purpose in us if it isn't meant to be lived on all levels? When we truly tap into that power we begin painting on the canvas of life rather than watching other pieces of art created by others? We are tasting, seeing and feeling what we want in this world. That is how everything that exists began...source's imagination.

Here is my vision for the future for children's lives of love, peace and joy. The limitations of their physical bodies are transcended and their minds are connected to the universal consciousness. Time and space will be experienced differently for all will be known, as they won't be limited by perceptions and beliefs imposed on them. They will know we are much more than a physical body, but we have souls that are a spark of the divine existing in all timelines everywhere. They will know that spirit guides accompany us on our journey with signals all around us we can recognize so we can get the path of our highest good. They will know the answers we seek lie within us, for we are a reflection of the divine. The greatest lesson in life is to remember your true nature and reconnect to the divine within. We are here to love, learn and grow in a way that uplifts and inspires those around us. They will know our past lives hold the keys to our current experiences, and our future lives are determined by the choices we make in this moment. By embracing our inner truths and living in alignment with our soul's purpose we experience a greater connection to the universal consciousness. 

Terrence McKenna explained in 1998, "it is only going to get weirder. The level of contradiction is going to rise excruciatingly, even beyond the excruciating present levels of contradiction...and finally it's going to be so weird that people are going to have to talk about how weird it is. And at that point novelty theory can come out of the woods because, eventually, people are going to say 'what the hell is going on?' It's just too nuts, It's not enough to say it's nuts, you have to explain why it's so nuts. I look for the invention of artificial life, the cloning of human beings, possible contact with extraterrestrials, possible human immortality and at the same time appalling acts of brutality, genocide, race baiting, homophobia, famine, starvation. Because the systems which are in place to keep the world sane are in utterly inadequate to the forces that have been unleashed. This is what it is like when a species prepares to depart for the stars. You don't depart for the stars under calm and orderly conditions, it's a fire in a madhouse. That is what we have: the fire in the madhouse...this is what it is like when a species prepares to move on to the next dimension. The entire destiny of all life on the planet is tied up in this."

The hurdles are real. It is exhausting. But we win. I bet my life on it. We win.


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