Quick on the Draw

"Quick on the draw, I thought I'd be dead. He put the gun to my head, and this is what he said: 'Now my name is MCA, I've got a license to kill (yeah)'". -Beastie Boys

We have this gorgeous ability to clear out our own energy with our own truth. If we stop speaking our truth we stay down for the count. It is your weapon to continue to clear out the energies around you that might get in your way. When I feel like my gifts are foggy or I can't think properly when I get up and start speaking my powerful truth then the gifts get clearer. Isn't that funny?! Being called to be missionary like with my truth. Which is another thing to add to the list of "I want to light myself on fire over." Preaching. I am not a converter going around teaching those "dark and loathesome people" (that is a fucking term we were taught as Mormons) the "one and only way" to anything. Listen to the language that is used in religion. It is not only casting subtle spells, as all language does, it is hits straight to the nitty gritty adjectives of "dark" and "loathesome".  So if this is the nonsense I speak up about to share my version of the truth. I do.

The Makers Hive Market was in Vegas so in support of local business I sauntered through and grabbed some items. The beautiful women artisans I met spoke the same vernacular I did. We spoke the same language. We speak the same language to our children. New Earth. Abilities. Dimensions. Energy. Freedom. Isis. We are raising this generation of children that are going to be free of the shackles of illusions their parents grew up on straight into the illusions (some say) we have landed in ourselves.  A dear fellow ex-mormon artist started speaking very loud in front of her customers "Yes. Yes I was raised in a cult. A CULT! Where I was bread to have kids. BRED! And sex is a chore, and Joe Smith liked 14 year olds, and the men in the church..." Mary Felker was clearing out the energies around her with power. 

Another artist who sold crystal jewelry deadpan questioned me, 

"why you want lapiz lazuli? what's your gift?" 


"Are you a Virgo?"


"What is going on with Virgos right now? Are most of you guys getting telepathy as well? Because you Virgos are coming out of isolation in droves right now." 

"In my life only one other. I am going to Greece with a past professor who is going on her Fellowship this April. She just processed in 2022 and we both felt each other speaking unexplainably. She is a Virgo. You are seeing a lot of Virgos?"

"They the last ones to speak up and are being forced out right now." She laughed. 

What did that goddess just say to me? What I heard is that Virgos are the bitch ass shy ones that would rather be reading a book alone than be in this crowded market with vocal women speaking their truth loudly and assertively? That is what she said. She is right. I only ended up at that market unintentionally. There are those baby games that come as "tender mercies." (See Elder Bednar) Tender mercies are your higher self helping you along. I prefer to call them baby games. That terms comes from the movie Swingers. "Oh, you wanna play baby games? Oh, I can play baby games." I just play surreptitiously quiet. I have bargained to only post on social media if it is pushed on me. I will speak freely with the few people I randomly talk to through the day.  I play by writing on this obsolete blog. I will play by teaching my children. Andrew is the heavy hitter. He is meeting with ex-bishops, working with the prophets grandson in-law, chatting with investors privy to the Mormon ponzi scheme. Andrew may not be yelling, but he is moving mountains with his quick on the draw intellect , integrity and fact base.  He is the white knight of this story after all. And this white knight loves the villain. Convert just one and look at the ripple effect. Sounds very missionary like. Truth is mingled with scripture. My truth is direct connection to source. Many other truths have a middle man. Wouldn't people lean away from a middleman at this point in light of our current affairs? 

Well, we are. After watching Frozen 2 Ezra is in agreement. Deacon is bugged out by any church text he gets. Deven said about a Mormon family member, "I thought she had a good head on her shoulders." The inside intel in our house is poppin secret society style. I get to play the Empress for now. So, Andrew is the Emperor. Clearly. How is that for the universe being quick on the draw? 2 years to gut and rebuild a family of 7 with a collective reach of many. Your higher self is not afraid to put a gun to your head if you were built that way. I am built that way. In 2020 a lot of us hit the floor so we could hit this 2023 shift.  This is Hive Market coffee talk. The question is not "how are you?" The question is "what is your gift?"

Some days I know a lot about the vibe of day before it happens. 


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