The Smartest People Know They Don't Know

Deja reve means "already dreamed." Precognitive dreams about the future is a super power I have. Most people have heard about deja vu "already seen", the more potent form is called deja reve. It has been explained to me in different ways, but one is that I experience things during astral travel that then happen in my waking life because timelines are all intertwined and exist on top of each other. Every time we make a decision in this 3D reality it makes a rift in this timeline. I have these dreams because I am seeing past the veil into another timeline that is close with my waking timeline. It seems as if I am seeing into the future but it is seeing into the next dimension over. 

It is a theory. 

This is my reality. It is a buggy experience on the daily but it is the reassurance I need for real for real that I am on the right course. My friend Jennifer calls it my "mapping system." It is. 

Remote viewing is when you are viewing the world from above. Remote viewers can see inside rooms they have never been in. The movie The Men Who Stare at Goats was a hilarious movie based on the real life story of Jon Ronson concerning the U.S. Army's exploration of using remote viewing, as well as other physic practices. After I studied some fascinating government documents on the role psychics play in world events and decisions, it became clear that this is just another play by "them" to keep truth from the masses. The whole rabbit whole of Area 51 was fascinating, but not the point to land on in my life. It rather was a stepping stone to seeing psychics as legit.

Deja reve seems like connecting to the astral realm remote viewing area to get information from my future self to validate that I am in the right place at the right time. Spiritual check points. Dreams are where your subconscious can talk to you freely. My reoccurring nightmares during the past years were gnarly. Did I pay attention to them to get my life right? No. Then I was forced to pay attention to them because they went off the charts horrible. We tap into our abilities when we start to heal our trauma. It is like a game of hide and seek. The gifts hide in our past memories; they are in the places we do not want to visit. The inner child is playing a game in order get a closer relationship with you. I called upon my guides when I needed them during this game for a "wit woo". "Give me a hint because this is hella confusing." Playing this game unlocked my dreaming ability. We all have certain gifts. My dominant gift is dreaming. So, I worry about that less and work more on my other gifts that don't require me to be asleep to access. I'd like to be a quicker on the intuitive uptake.

Did I feel insane at times...a little. Yet, there is no such thing as "spiritual psychosis." We are helping the collective ascend so if you attach the word "spiritual" to "psychosis" it is to make the people feel like they are going insane. You are not going insane. Who could possess the knowing that I am making this stuff up if they were not behind my eyes. It is not psychosis, it is coming into spirituality. Which sometimes feels like you're being mauled by some ephemeral presence. 

What stops my dreaming is medicating. That way I could mask my way through the situations I knew were out of alignment with my greatest good in my waking life. I was killing myself in the process, but I did not have the ancient knowledge then that I do now of what dreaming is and the powers that I have in that realm. I had to face this reality and transmute any fear around having deja reve. I was taught to hold onto and claim this power for my soul's purpose. With this my limiting beliefs were illuminated, and I could not run from this reality any longer. This knowledge brought a new dawn ("ashwini"). If I knew better I would have done better. If Andrew knew better he would have done better. We don't even need to discuss the past anymore. We both done messed each other up. 

We wear masks to protect ourselves. Now I trust that I am protected without the masks and able to return to my true pure self. My desire to prove my truth was solely limited to Andrew, the father of my children. I hope my mom and brother choose to open their souls to the releasing the illusions of their lives. It would be so dope to have Vana, the mother everyone wanted, to go outta this world with truth. Her daughter, beloved son in law, and 5 grandchildren have worked through the issues. A lot of Gen X people are leaving the church, the millennials are saying "hell no" to the illusions, the Gen Z are not showing up to learn about the illusions, and the Gen Alpha are oblivious to religion. We don't celebrate baby Jesus in our house.  

I am more spirit than human these days and don't need to overthink anything because I got my guidance system in place. I can live joyfully in the present with my littles and soul fam in this expansive life outside of societal norms. There is beauty in the outskirts on this new trail based on radical freedom. I resonate so much with artists. My art school friends were akin to that expat community in Paris in the 30's. We are vibrant artists out here making a new paradigm.

For thousands of years we have evolved from old energy. I realized I needed to forget what was taught to me to be able to bring a new energy that fosters love and peace for this next generation. My life is the miracle that testifies of this truth. The miracle is not that I have psychic powers, the miracle is my family. I am so proud of my children and Andrew.  Do you know how hard it is to break down every part of oneself and remove the constructs put in by the powers that be, then build it back up infused with healing and love? For a whole family of 7? It is an honor to be my children's mother and Andrew's person in this video game. They are the real magic. The red sea has been split and we are walking into the promised land. 

The synchronicities know ahead into the future where you are going to be, where you are going to look, who you will meet. We have written our stories After remembering who I am, I am able to sit now and watching the beauty of the creation I wrote before I came to this earth, but in real time. It is the real showtime now. I had to trust divine timing to receive access to these gifts, because if you receive the gifts at the wrong time the gift would be squandered. I don't feel any impatience in watching this story unfold. My faith comes with a lot of blessings. I have put to death any victim mentality, because I see the story I wrote out for my life and it is hilarious. 

The power within us is unbelievable, but real. We are rewarded for walking this path. The whole first half of our lives we killed our sense of self for the sake of others. It is a special type of happiness to meet yourself and walk with yourself. What is a true new beginning at life worth? It is invaluable. Genuine gratitude is the name of the game. Now with the knowledge of what will happen if I don't practice unconditional love for myself and other I am able to offer so much more to the world than I did as a church worker. Spirit recognizes that I have taken action to correct my life and how to embody my truth. Because of what I have been through, it is evident I can unfuck everything that has been so fucked up these past years. I maintain the knowing that I have the high ground because I recognize if I made it through all those decades of nonsense, I can sail through this last half of life. 

Our past holds a significant role in the divine plan to raise the consciousness of this earth. I know how loved I am. When you get to the end... you get your new beginning. The universe will bank karma for us through unnecessary pain we go through in order to put itself in debt to us. It will have to repay us and give us everything we want because we have the understanding of how to take care of that gift now. 

I recognize that inspiration for my creative ventures are everywhere. I get information from all my clair senses. Our passions are what make us feel alive. Two years ago when I had this awakening I gave my existence to the universe and it took me. Letting go of toxic old patterns of thinking actively brings us to our true purpose. I am here to pursue the things that make my heart soar. I am in pursuit of being a happy human. What do I want to be remembered for? Enjoying life. What do I want to do today? Laugh. I am expecting the unexpected for this karmic payment. 

Embrace the loss of your former life. Anything you create from this loss will stand forever, for this is the time to create your real legacy as a proper steward of life. Of the life that you realize is not really yours, but a gift from source that assisted you making it through the battlefield. You will help people get through as they go through like and similar situations. Embrace the beauty, love and happiness of the past. It is an inspirational story filled with some fantastic tales. I have sucked the marrow out of life in a "more is more" type of way. There is a fair share of messy, tragic and Tarentino details of our lives; but the past is merely prologue to the real legacy we don't know. 


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