This Soul Tribe Knows

We just learned psycho billionaires are attempting to shut off more light by directing the central banks to print money, causing our money to be worth less, and us to be in artificial scarcity. They are disrupting supply chain and causing other breakdowns in geopolitical relations designed to create a new dark age. We who have woken up have to come together in a way like never before to overcome this challenge. Yet, 99% of the people are still asleep because they are hooked into the media matrix, the religion matrix, all of those matrix options that are convincing them that the main point of life is to be fearful but look good while living in fear. I have this dream ability and a ton of support that was never apparent but just started to become clear from meeting others who made the same promise to become aware to call for love and freedom. The key to our abilities is to actually follow and trust the signs and feelings that will lead to meeting other people who are kindred spirts. People who don't disassociate from our feelings or numb ourselves with the distractions.

Many of us don't feel amazing. The elaborate traps in life have made us tired. Yet, we have nothing left to lose but trust ourselves and our soul tribe. We never could feel like ourselves until we were awake and found our tribe. Thru one's tribe you can access your full potential and power and feel like yourself. Once I found and started giving my gift to the world my tribe came to me and I to them. They called in dreams, plant medicine journeys, meditation, you get it. Sarah called me, literally in her plant medicine journey and it came to me as a nagging feeling to text her after years of not talking. Angie called me in waking meditation. I called Jennifer to help awaken Andrew. I called Karina and she came. Bridgett is a whole nother animal of awakening in my life who was divinely orchestrated. On and on. This shit is real and it is exciting! It is the rainbow playground with rainbow playmates who communicate in the dream realm, telepathically, energetically! On Halloween my dear friend Vero who is a teacher at Everett and Ezra's school pulled me outside alone saying she needed to talk to me because I had "been visiting her in her dreams. Reeeeaaaallly visiting." So we had dinner one night and realized we saw and believed and knew the same things that qualified for a deep knowing and recognition. I told Angie this story of me viiiiisiting (as Vero said it in her Mexican accent with eyes wide) Vero and she complemented me with the most on point compliment I have received since I have KNOWN, she said "Vanessa, you are a very powerful dream traveler." WHAT?! Tell me more Angie. Tell me more. 


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