Catcher in the Rye...again

I studied the Gnostics under Claudia Keelan at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. So much of their teachings rang true to me then and now. In Gnosticism there is something called archons. That translates to the rulers or authorities. In my view of Gnosticism there is no dark supernatural entity lurking in the corner, rather there are systems of governance that control and keep humanity in a state of oppression. The deep state, if you will, is the power behind it all that we can't see. The archons operate like the devil as he is described in the scriptures through deception, misdirection, manipulation: posing as the superhero when in fact they are the oppressor. 

This deep state system which is Anglo Israeli imperialism has destabilized Iran. They have used their military industrial complex to do this (as they have done with many other countries). They use their power to destabilize, then they control the media and the story about destabilization. They paint the other as the enemy. By creating other enemies you don't see that it is actually them that is the problem. It is a high level of manipulation. This archon controls the message the people receive. 

Further, they censor humanity from speaking about this topic on social media platforms. We are censored from talking about herbs as well, so if they are censoring natural health remedies this message is a tough one to get out to humanity. That is not a state of freedom. Gnostics are about freedom, I am about freedom. This is oppression and misunderstanding. This is the cause of the current Iranian plight. 

Glen Beck spoke about dreams he had of the evil in politics after Satan came to him in reoccurring nightmares. "We are not in a battle of politics, we're not. Politics and our whole culture as become evil...we are worshipping Moloch. We are worshipping Baal and they are demanding our children as a sacrifice. You have to get to a point to where you are going to choose a side. There will be no one left on the benches, and if you think you can sit it out you will end up on the wrong side. I urge you to know who you serve. This is a different time in human experience. This is not normal. None of this is normal. It has been coming slowly in dribs and drabs but for those who are paying, really paying attention, it's methodical and it has taken an extremely disturbing turn. We are no longer talking about issues of, you know, tax policies and how big the government should be. We're not talking about those things anymore. We are talking about the erasing of the fundamental right for you to choose between good and evil. You're being coerced right now to accept one side. That is taking away your freedom of choice that is God given." (do we need a footnote of where this came from? is this blog that serious yet?)

Beck was talking about the Balenciaga debacle. Beck is also Mormon. I do not take any Mormon seriously at this point. They are cute servants and hard working people that feed 10% of their earnings into a religious deep state. I find it fascinating when Mormons are seeing the evil of government but not of religion. Mormonism, religion in general, does the same thing that the deep state is doing by removing facts from the history, changing documents, all that jazz in order to manipulate and control the people. It is a mentality of oppression that the universe is revolting against and calling awakened regulators to mount up. (if you know who Warren G is and you are reading this please know that we are soul family)

It becomes impossible to stay in the cloud of light and love and kundalini bliss without tackling the real earth issues of the actual people and institutions that are manipulating humanity. That is the actual devil. 

There is a line I feel I must tread between staying in my soft space of meditation, love and mysticism and tackling this very dark regime. True spiritualists are warriors. The Templars were warriors. Joan of Arc was a warrior. We must call out the ill of people and their institutions and dismantle them if we want a new earth paradigm. If we don't want our children to live in the absolute fuckery of the ghetto-ness this planet has become. I have dismantled religion, the book of joe smith, the bible, Jesus and now I want to speak about dismantling this deep state archon going on in Iran...

while the Mormons are baptizing the dead. Life is a kick. 

My language seems be channeling J.D. Salinger these days chiefs. I try and write sophisticatedly and it slips quickly. It's god damn annoying and not very classy of me. Catcher in the Rye has been my favorite since I was a teenager. Mel Gibson was some mentally ill character in a movie that had a copy of Catcher in his car. I swear to God I keep a copy in mine as well. Not because Mel did, but because you can get a one-liner memorized at a red light, or Ezra will flip it open. Deven laughed out loud when we read that book together when he was young. It's whole premise is to preserve innocence. Save the children running in the rye field from falling off the cliff. My bottom line is to save the children. I guess the universe was telling me that was my purpose (and I would appear mentally ill in the process). Aggressively make and save children. 


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