Out of the Mouth of Babes

There is a distinct difference in dreams between precognitive and normal subconscious symbols speaking parts of myself to me. The Native American dream shaman I have has delicately worked with me through understanding these, as well as how to possibly alter the results of precognitive dreams based upon the feeling I had while dreaming. For example, if you dream you are falling off of a cliff but don't have terror around it, then it is approached a different way than if you did. It has been fascinating to tap into this part of my mind. Energy work is real.

Last nights dream was a clear message, however it did not stem from my subconscious because it is in the front of my mind on a daily basis: protecting the innocence of my children, and children in general. Andrew and I had a conversation yesterday about Joe Smith's pedophelia problem. There are accounts written in many 14-19 year olds girls journals about forced relations with Smith. Those are only the girls who took pen to paper. Andrew and I spoke of this yesterday and are sickened not only by the past nefarious activities of this church leader, but of the current atrocities that transpire today. The Netflix show that made Andrew, and some of my neighbors, really quite ill was "Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey". That show talks of Warren Jeffs antics with young girls. There is a similar vein to many stories regarding men leading groups of people to salvation. It is in the Catholic church so much it has become a running joke.

I would not allow my child to sit behind closed door with a member of the priesthood and discuss their sexual activities. I have had that experience as a young girl and as a grown woman. The former was traumatic, the latter was laughable. "You want more details sirs?" Sickos.

This aberrant behavior also has roots in pornography. Beside religion, it is another billion dollar business that preys on women and children. It has become so blatant and in our faces what is going on in the pornography industry it is not far off from being obvious to the public at large what is going on with sex trafficking of children. (The Balenciaga campaign of children was absurd.) Where do all those missing foster children go?

Don't trust your religious husbands per se who may have their own sexual issues. Not all, but many a religious man I have met live in those boxes of the mind. Living that way manifests blockages in various ways, such as reliance on pornography. Sometimes it is pedophelia. I have not met any man involved in trafficking, yet. 

Most women I know, myself included, do not feel safe at night at large alone. Most women experience rape. I certainly was not in the wrong place or socially tired when I experienced it. I was married in the temple. I was 18. I was told, by my celestial partner, it was my duty and under his priesthood authority he could assert such guiding leadership over me. I say to that child bride, "Ahhh, baby V. No man has authority over you baby girl. Who taught you that? That is silly. The kingdom of God is within you, not without. Let's go live in the woods and gather wildflowers!"

No religious man has authority over my children. I have made sure of that. Now the government...that is not so easy to slip away from. Short of going off grid. But how do you eat a whale? One bite at a time. Today I am full of the whale of patriarchy. So, I will head to the Farmer's Market and enjoy the empire Andrew and I have made. 

I have been brought back to a state of gratitude for my life. I have come back to who I am and the love I am here to be. I am guided not to misplace or waste my gifts any longer and the energy shift has been amazing. I don't listen to 3D surface level people anymore. I am doing all I can to create trust within myself and discern my own truth. I take all of the gore of my personal darkness and turn it into pure inspiration and power. I don't act like some happy happy clown, because there is no circus in our house hold anymore. Spirituality is about being authentic about where you are at. It is about being transparent, vulnerable, and being in tune with oneself so that one can heal all the things that stand in ones way. Then you can tap into your higher self and you become guided in the way that you were supposed to be as a spirit on this human plane. This whole journey is about you becoming more you. Heal you so you can discern everything without the filter of trauma or rose tinted glasses. What I see currently it is an astounding empire and legacy.

Princess Charly is soon going to Spain then Bali. She has spent much time traveling to Dubai, Singapore, Bali. I wanted the world for that girl, and she has it. Prince Deven and my second cousin Sean are in LA supporting her business, home and two dogs whilst working on their own authentic dreams. Prince Deacon is navigating his workout, school, social, girlfriend life seamlessly. Prince Everett has a phone now and is keeping everyone in stitches with his texting and phone calls. Prince Ezra is that golden age of 8 where he is starting to grasp life in a profound way. He said he is writing his "big" ideas down in the notes section of his phone. It read: "what if Jesus and the big bang were the same thing to make a world where we could live." Andrew and I let him think his big ideas and don't impose the ideas we have, for we have learned our lesson from doing so with Charly and Deven. We did not know. We probably still don't know. Maybe Ezra or Everett knows. Watching them grow into their true selves is delightful. I learn from each of them daily. Out of the mouth of my babes comes truth.


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