Magnum Opus: Love and Freedom

The negative intentions of my sister-in-law was the final act that enabled me to light the fire that launched me into my current power. A ridiculously homophobic group text she sent that Andrew and I were on enabled him to finally see. To finally start looking at the harm done by the church and by people in his family. It took her darkness marrying into the Menlove family for me to say "enough is enough." Her demonic intentions she did not divine before trying to conjure something up against the earth angel writing this and this past year she is sicker... and I am healthier. (I have a strong bond with Hekate now (hence my dog Roxy) who provides protection.) I have gotten promoted while she got demoted. If you put your homophobic, racist, sexist Russian Mormon hate into the world you will get that back on you tenfold. I was able to transmute the unfounded hate she sent out to me simply by my presence. She loathed me for no valid reason. She texted a list of reasons to my husband which was laughable to both of us...don't come at me. Her plan did not work, but it caused me to go within and speak with spirit to learn the lessons of my ancestors. Her low level interference gave her a VIP pass to witness my rise. 

I was told to let the tower of my relationship with this family fall because I can't fight their ignorance and hate any longer. I was tired of fighting the process of it falling because I was still buying into cult family life. Let the tower fall of all the illusions I bought into...and it did not look like how I anticipated or how I wanted, but I asked the universe for this one year ago as of yesterday. I rejoice the screams of January 13, 2022 were heard by the universe and it has all worked in my favor. There is now a gap between me and those I love in my family. I grieve that separation deeply, but you have to leave people behind because you can't pull people into growth. Growth is hard and a lot of people will run from it their entire lives.

It can be difficult to transmute people's energy. I need tons of sleep these days, like 9-12 hours of sleep a night. It seems like I am doing very little work, but yo, being an "empath" on steroids makes me an energetic sponge. I am no stranger to shadow work and I go into the parts of myself that are gnarly. Toxic people are attracted to me and I help by giving space to unhealed humans who have not done their shadow work by sitting with them in plant medicine journeys. Plant medicine is a fast track cheat to awaken and those sessions are draining, even with the boundaries I have in place.

The wounded healer archetype comes off as socially anxious, depressed and bipolar. Which is why I prefer to be with animals more than humans at this point because my social awkwardness is more evident than ever. I had been mixing up energies for 45 years and now that I am clear and focused I cannot tolerate a cocktail of mixed energy very well. People can be as they are, but if there is too much mixed energy I suffer. To the uninitiated I appear to be a selfish mother "chasing my own happiness." Any opinions of me are not received. If you are thinking of everyone and thing outside of yourself things go sideways. Mothers notoriously fall into this trap. The mind is very powerful and what you think materializes. The guilt and shame many women feel over how they mother is heavy. So I say to all the women, get your way of thinking right and put yourself first. Self love is the best love.

I will step up. I give with my heart unconditionally. I will show up for those who need help, not only because you always get back what you put out, but because I have had the experience of needing someone who really understood to help me during the darkest hours of my life. I have a new belief system now. I am unattached to the outcome of situations and miracles come to me everyday based on my vibrational bank account. Great things are happening for me unexpectedly. 

I am a lucid dreamer and astral projection comes easy to me now. That is part of my life purpose. 

Times have reached a critical point in the evolution of human beings as we come into our spiritual gifts. Many of us are in service of light. Light being defined as freedom and love. We can tune into our highest frequency of unconditional love, it is time. Pull away from what is not serving your highest good. Break down and find your true center in order to level up. Change cannot just happen, it needs to be ignited by some catalyst that makes you question your existence. The way to your true center is within you, the truth is within you and truth is asking all of us to figure that ish out. Meditate. Learn to meditate for truth before life throws the catalyst at you and forces you to change your life. Connect to the highest part of yourself so you can open the door to life's true purpose as part of this collective and as an individual. 

The artist dives into the abyss and come out with the message or the vision and we express that in whatever means we can. The artist is the cultural rebel. I have in many aspects of life lived as a creative. Can you imagine if I had strong armed Charly into the boxes of society? I did ask her not to live recklessly like she was her last year of high school, as any parent would do, but I did not box that child in and look at her now. I did ask Deven not to smoke weed at the age of 12, but I have not forced him into anything but rather exposed him to life so that he can land on what he wants in his own time. Same with Deacon, Everett and Ezra...but they are not adults yet so I will have rules that they must follow because they are still mine to teach. The magnum opus of my existence is being written in an impressive tone. 


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