Victimized Empaths, Turned Narcissists, Turned Femme Sociere

It's a tale as old as time. Now is the part of the story where the script is flipped and our Narcissists emerge as light workers. As one heals...we all heal. The play must go on! In this scene we have entered the flame of the covenant.

Before the rise of the solar deity, priestesses held sacred titles such as Hor, Harlot, Harine and Hathor. These women were considered pure and immaculate. They were known as wisdom keepers. "Whore" was a title of respect, as it referred to someone who was close to the Goddess. In the ancient Semitic languages of the Middle East hor meant cave or womb. The Great Mother, the Goddess, the birther of all creation was called the Great Hor. In that same ink, harlot means womb of light. So, the roots of whor and hor initiate the descent into the feminine cave. Title of Holy Whore celebrated a woman's embodiment of the awakened womb which held the magical cosmic creatrix power. The priestesses often did engage in sacred sexual rites to honor the Great Mother. During these sexual initiations, women were known for their powerful oracular visions. Visions. In this ecstatic state liminal time is not controlled by the clock, but it is a time of enchantment when anything might or even should happen.

The French psychoanalyst and semiotician, Julia Kristeva, writes in "Approaching Abjection": "It is thus not lack of cleanliness or health that causes abjection but what disturbs identity, system, order. What does not respect borders, positions, rules." The whore isn't an unclean soul, she is a femme sorciere. When women remove themselves from the femme enfant role of muse we can live an instinctual life with the forces of nature. We experience rebirth into the light of day and the world beyond the looking glass. Women are the intermediaries between the unconscious world beyond the veil and the natural world. The femme-enfant who moves from innocence, seduction and dependence on man, to a dynamic being with an intimate relationship with magical is this woman that is capable of creative transformation through mental power. Sexual power is simply another form of meditation and energy manipulation. Sex, especially with a man, oftentimes falls way below the mark of providing a woman what is needed for any type of transformation, much less oracular vision. Rather it becomes another acquiescence to the role of domesticated femininity akin to mopping a floor, or in the case of some marriage states, as quick as wiping the counters. 

There is much the powers that be don't want women to remember, so they take what is divine and reverse and denigrate such female power. "A cultures theology has a great deal to do with the worlds etymology and how it evolves over time to combine incompatible meanings that may undermine the original thoughts it was meant to define." Laurel Airica. Gnosticism has been a powerful piece of my spirituality. The Nag Hammadi library is vast, but a great starter book is "Gnosticism: From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas." A takeaway from this oeuvre is that this simulation we live in is made from a copy of the perfect realm. As above, so below. If you hold onto the reductive paradigms of this video game as if it is real you fail to remember who you really are and why you are here. Claim your birth right to your own intuitive guidance. 

Over the past three years I have sat with myself and looked back at my entire timeline and realized more than ever someone else's paradigm, an entity if you will, was ruling over my mind. I had gone far from my soul path when I decided to follow the blessing of a bishop as a teenager. Even after decades of navigating off my path something rebellious and resilient within me was not extinguished. I know now that I was under a generational curse. I thought I was only worthy of living this life in the most uncomfortable ways. On all aspects: home, love, money, health, spirituality. 

I did not come here to pursue the dogmas of love and light. I came here to speak of freedom, cause chaos, and trigger others into a higher existence. Even my own self. I trigger the hell out of myself. By speaking my cheeky truth regardless of the consequences I was given deep knowledge of the trajectory of my families ability to create drastic change in our family unit, the community, etc. There are a lot of us waking up on the planet right now and working with a new operating system. None of the ascended people I know have any qualms about speaking their hard fought for truth. Especially Andrew and I. 

We are happily letting go of the grasp we had on our past selves so we can move into the version of ourselves that knows we all have the kingdom of god within. That is the main tenant Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna taught. Christ is an allegory for the christos oil secreted by our own pineal glands when we experience a Kundalini awakening. He is within us. 

We are done coloring inside the lines. Done juggling who we are internally with the heavy burden of who we should be. A huge chunk of our lives have been spent buying into illusions. Fraud. Concerted deceit and manipulation (cue Andrew muttering "assholes" whenever we talk about the church leaders.) We honor our past and praise a new dawn as we see the chessboard from a birds eye view. It is a game we have been playing and we were the chess pieces. Were.  

Women let's get wild this full moon. We are anam cara. The old Gaelic term for soul love is anam (soul) cara (friend). In everyone's life there is a great need for anam cara. In this love you are understood without masks or pretention. This understanding is precious and awakens the eternal. The loneliness has been replaced with anam caras and celebration. It is a powerful energy as we are reigniting our passions. We are devoted and see all this happening to ourselves and our tribes. We are King as Florence sings. 

We are learning to get the messages from source and say "I hear you. Ok, I hear you" and then following it. Some of these ladies are extremely frustrated and keep confidently going on faith to completion. After decades of feeling trapped we woke up and took off to our own private Idahos (our minds) for the higher good of the collective consciousness. We can't see the full scale of what the universe has in store for us, but with the intention of acting out of unconditional love we are always working for the highest good of the universe. Hence, we are being beamed to heaven from the top of the trees we climbed. Our lives have changed drastically over the past year, as if carried away by a lover to endless ecstasy.

Should I discuss remote viewing next time? Here is some homework to watch prior.

Or time travel? Google "reddit glitch in the matrix snowmobile". 

Source: "The Magdalene Mysteries" by Seren and Dr. Azra Bertrand


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