The Truth is Hidden in Plain Sight...Just look at the fashion please.

 "you got all the answers but how you gonna reach 

if i could make one more suggestion, respectfully, 

it's more effective to treat people like children 

understanding the time and love and patience that's needed to grow

this change is inevitable but ain't none of us seen this before..."J. Cole

There is a new breed of leaders arising that love from the heart, not from fear or guilt or shame. These leaders will carry the sound "I once was lost but now I am found" because these leaders a seeing the illusions they were programmed by and bringing the message of love, freedom and peace. I am carrying the love I have for others with no middleman.  

Black sheep in the family are in fact seekers of liberation of the family tree. They are those who are constantly seeking to revolutionize beliefs by going in contrast to the roads marked by family traditions. They are called to release a tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations. The black sheep are those who scream, rebel, repair and detoxify trying to create a new and blooming branch. Is this to live out the dream of all of our ancestors by breaking generational curses? Possibly.

It really isn't the black sheep bloggers that are speaking up. It is the TikTok ex-mormons that are going ham. Some posts are hilarious, some are heartbreaking, some are factual based blatant lies the church is currently telling. I love the thread about suing the church for fraud for all tithing paid. YAS! That really is the place to get the information of individual lives that had to peel back all the illusions of their life. 

Many are doing so in the way that they are realizing it is not just religion that is deceptive, but even the history books are wrong and redacted, medicine is suspect, there are bones of giants they find that always somehow disappear. The amount of smoke and mirrors manipulating one's whole life that one bought into brings a serious questioning of one's mental capacity to think as an intelligent human. Andrew said, "thank you for opening up a whole fascinating new world to me. I really thought I was an intelligent person, but I operated out of arrogance and blindness." Same babe. Andrew thanks me everyday for sticking with him until he finally woke up. That is what I signed up to do in the pre-existence man! I tried so many wrong ways for so many years, but Andrew is a man moved by little. It took the universe giving me visions and dreams that he saw come true for him to listen to me. It has been a strange year. 

That is why some of us are getting out there and speaking up. For the humans I have known since they were infants that are adults now. I could slip away silently, but I find it important to tell these kids I was soooooo wrong. Their parents were wrong. You guys had some wrong teachers. We signed up for this soul contract. It could be a worse soul contract for sure, but it's fairly arduous to peel away the layers of trauma that occur in childhood. 

Another bone I have to pick is with my non-lds friends...I am questioning your judgment for being friends with me. Deeply. Further, the J. Cole quote above I don't agree with when you are speaking to me. Don't treat me like a child. Speak up! Why did you have to be respectful and tolerant. Some of you fools knew, come on. Maybe you guys could have helped shed some light. Maybe you could have slipped me some plant medicine without me knowing. Just saying...thanks for being my friend. I am going to speak my truth in the way I speak to myself..."Holy hell Vanessa, you are real stupid."

These ladies are saying the same thing. 


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